ERNAPE - European Research Network About Parents in Education


Participants are invited to hand in abstracts for papers, posters, and symposia proposals. Online submission of proposals will be open later this year. All paper, poster, and symposium proposals should be submitted electronically. You need to indicate all contributing authors along with their affiliations and email addresses. Fill in this information carefully; misspellings and missing email addresses may result in co-authors needing to be correctly linked to all their contributions.

If you have any trouble with the electronic submission, proposals can also be sent as an attached file* [in .doc, docx, or.pdf format] to the following e-mail address: They should be typed, single-spaced, in A4. Author(s) name(s), institutional affiliation(s), phone number(s), and e-mail details should be stated only in the email accompanying the abstract.

How to submit an abstract

The paper and poster proposal should not exceed 300 words, and it includes the following:

  • Title of abstract
  • Authors(s) of the abstract, including affiliations
  • The topic where you feel that your abstract will best fit
  • Keywords (min 3 – max 5 separated by commas)
  • General description of research questions, objectives and theoretical framework
  • Methods/methodology (if applicable)
  • (Expected) outcomes/results
  • References (references are not included in the word count)

Please note the following points that are important for a correct submission:

  • It is not possible to include tables or graphs in the submission form
  • The conference language is English, and all abstracts must be in English
  • Submissions are limited to new, original work
  • All abstracts will be published in the Abstract Book of the 13th Conference
  • Full papers will be published in The International Journal about Parents in Education (IJPE)

Electronic Submission

    3. For which session would you like to submit?
    Paper sessionsPoster sessions

    6a. The topic where you feel that your abstract will best fit: (required)

    9. ERNAPE-Verona invites participants to submit full papers to be reviewed for publication in The International Journal about Parents in Education (IJPE).

    Please answer the following question: Would you like to submit a full paper for publication in the IJPE?

    Yes, I wish to publish a full paper and receive further information.No, I don't want to submit a full paper.

    How to submit a symposium proposal

    A symposium session builds on a theme and is proposed and planned by a symposium organiser. The papers focus on a common theme. A symposium has a chair (often the organiser) and a discussant who has read the papers in advance. The symposium organiser will decide how the symposium will be organised and the time allotment for each presentation. Only the person who submits the proposal will receive correspondence relating to the submission. The submitter is responsible for communicating the proposal with all contributors and ERNAPE-Verona.

    In addition to the general abstract requirements, proposals for symposia must also include:

    • A plan for the symposium including:
      • (1) The title of the symposium, and(2) An abstract describing the entire symposium (500 words): aims/objectives, significance for parents, schools, and community in education.
      • Names of Chairperson and Discussant for the symposium.
    • Short abstracts (200 words) of all papers within the symposium.
    • The names of the contributors, along with their affiliations and email addresses, titles of their presentations, and their abstracts. The names of those presenting must be specified.
    • References are not included in the word count.

    Electronic Submission

      4a. The topic where you feel that your symposium will best fit: (required)

      9. Abstracts (3-5 abstracts. Max 200 words per abstract)

      The abstract must include:
      - General description on research questions, objectives and theoretical framework
      - Methods/methodology (if applicable)
      - Expected outcomes/results
      - References

      9a. Abstract 1: (required)

      ERNAPE-Verona invites participants to submit full papers to be reviewed for publication in The International Journal about Parents in Education (IJPE). Please answer the following question for abstract 1: Would you like to submit a full paper for publication in the IJPE? (required)
      Yes, I wish to publish a full paper and receive further information.No, I don't want to submit a full paper.

      9b. Abstract 2: (required)

      ERNAPE-Verona invites participants to submit full papers to be reviewed for publication in The International Journal about Parents in Education (IJPE). Please answer the following question for abstract 2: Would you like to submit a full paper for publication in the IJPE? (required)
      Yes, I wish to publish a full paper and receive further information.No, I don't want to submit a full paper.

      9c. Abstract 3: (required)

      ERNAPE-Verona invites participants to submit full papers to be reviewed for publication in The International Journal about Parents in Education (IJPE). Please answer the following question for abstract 3: Would you like to submit a full paper for publication in the IJPE? (required)
      Yes, I wish to publish a full paper and receive further information.No, I don't want to submit a full paper.

      9d. Abstract 4: (if applicable)

      ERNAPE-Verona invites participants to submit full papers to be reviewed for publication in The International Journal about Parents in Education (IJPE). Please answer the following question for abstract 4: Would you like to submit a full paper for publication in the IJPE? (required)
      Yes, I wish to publish a full paper and receive further information.No, I don't want to submit a full paper.

      9e. Abstract 5: (if applicable)

      ERNAPE-Verona invites participants to submit full papers to be reviewed for publication in The International Journal about Parents in Education (IJPE). Please answer the following question for abstract 5: Would you like to submit a full paper for publication in the IJPE? (required)
      Yes, I wish to publish a full paper and receive further information.No, I don't want to submit a full paper.

      Further guidelines for submitting a full paper

      ERNAPE2025-Verona invites participants to submit full papers to be reviewed for publication in The International Journal about Parents in Education (IJPE).

      When you submit an abstract for a paper or symposium, you may be asked whether you would like to submit a full paper for publication in the IJPE. In that case, you will receive further guidelines from the IJPE Journal editors.

      Conference e-mail and official website

      All correspondence regarding the conference must be sent to the official email address: For all information and updates, check regularly the conference website:

      Organisers and sponsors

      The ERNAPE organises the International Conference. The University of Verona, the Department of Human Sciences, and the International Journal about Parents in Education (IJPE) are sponsors of the conference.